The Homeland Museum in Knjaževac
  • 08-16:00

The innovated archaeological exhibition is located in the left wing of the Museum building in Karadjordjeva Street. It was established as a permanent exhibition in 1996, after the revitalization of the building. The concept of the exhibition was prepared by Petar Petrović, PhD and archeologist Svetozar Jovanović and it was designed by architect Sima Gušić.

In the first showcase are various objects from the Ancient Period, from the site called Timacum Minus.

In the first showcase there are items related to architecture, construction and tools that were used in construction works. The emphasiyed items are: a brick with a stamp of cohorts II Aurelia Dardanorum from the second century, fragments of marble as a building material, porphyry. There are also construction tools, such as: trowel, chisel, cramps, plummet.

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In the second showcase are items related to the pottery in the Roman Period. Ceramics, owing to its persistence is a significant archaeological material to interpret the past. The examples of ceramic items: pots, bowls, and ended burners.

The third showcase contains objects that are linked to the Roman metallurgy. These are items that were used in the processing of ores: mining picks, tiles, the remains of burnt ore, weights, mugs, and other metal items such as knives, grinds, hedging bill.

Timacum Minus was the administrative center of the wider region-territory, whose economic basis was mining. The nearby slopes of Stara Planina mountain which are rich in copper, gold and silver were a significant resource for the exploitation and primary processing of these ores in ancient times.

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In the fourth showcase metal items are exposed: hinges, clasps, padlock in the form of a ring, punch, and bronze ended burner.

The discovery of native copper was a starting point for processing metals. At first, the technique of cold forging was in use, but later, with development of casting techniques, began the mass production of metal items. The products are jewelry, military equipment, money, small monumental plastic.

The objects made in casting technique are presented in the fifth showcase and they are: brooches, buckles, medical instruments.

Стаклена посуда

The next, sixth showcase presents a replica of a catapult made by the students of Secondary Technical School in Knjaževac. In addition to light arms the Roman army also used battle devices such as catapult, ballista for ejecting arrows, spears and others.

In the seventh showcase in the first room of the archaeological exhibition space, there are marble votive plates and an image of Venus, which is dated in the I-II century A.D.

In the eight showcase there are glassware sets: cups, balsamaria, toilette bottles. In the Ancient Period, glass was used for making vessels, for mosaic cubes and window glass. The Roman glass industry developed on the foundations of the Hellenistic technological tradition. In the first century glass was widespread throughout the territory of the Roman Empire.

An extraordinary example of fibula is also exhibited here. This luxury silver fibula was found in the necropolis Ropinski potok near Ravna village and represents a kind of exceptional honors to military officers. The fibula stands out for its decorated arch and was produced in opus interassile technique using thin metal threads, very similar to the famous filigree technique.

This section shows replicas of a Roman armor and tunics.

Фибула од сребра

In the ninth showcase are objects that were used every day: bone combs, needles.

In the tenth case there are Roman coins.

In the second exhibition room there are items from Slog necropolis from the Late Antiquity Period and stone plastic. One can see parapet plates (part of church altar), a capitel and impost capitel. On Baranica-Vojinovac site a parapet plate was discovered with a marble pillar dating from V-VI century. The parapet plates separated the altar area from the church nave. In the central exhibition room there are three showcases with items from Slog necropolis. The items found in graves are: necklaces, bracelets, earrings, fibulas, buckles. The cryptic inventory is characteristic of Late Antiquity (IV-V century)

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